
INSTEAD 3.5.0 is out! Changes are:

  • fix: menu font scaling;
  • fix: get_bool;
  • new: tutorial in stead3 API;
  • new: wheel input event (grab_events mode);
  • enh: do not scale-down non scalable themes via dpi scale < 1.0;
  • enh: be strict while open game via file;
  • enh: tiny2 better games compatible;
  • enh: WITH_LUAJIT is now on by default (cmake);
  • enh: Windows build updated SDL2 libs;
  • enh: github workflow for CI/emscripten/windows/appimage builds;
  • doc: embedding manual;
  • rem: S60, MAEMO, WinCE ports removed;
  • rem: SDL1 code removed.

As you can see, starting with version 3.5.0 INSTEAD can only be assembled with SDL2. Support if SDL1 - discontinued.

For a long time I did not dare to take this step, but every year the support of the old platforms is complicated, and the growing noodles from the #ifdef defines leads to the syndrome “Work - do not touch!”.

One way or another, but this step opens up the prospects for refactoring/updating the source code, which will allow in the future to make changes with greater “courage” in INSTEAD. Let me remind you that the first version of INSTEAD was released in 2009!

Binary builds will be available as soon as they are ready.