INSTEAD 3.2.2 is out! Changes are:
- new: mobile theme;
- new: -lang parameter;
- new: -notheme parameter;
- new: instead.screen_size();
- enh: themes cleanups;
- new: cmake and LuaJIT build (-DWITH_LUAJIT=1);
- enh: autosave in emscripten build;
- enh: load status in emscripten build;
- new: machine-translated English manual;
- fix: Lua5.3 compatibility;
- fix: ini method and load parameter;
- fix: -appdata and system build;
- fix: build with zlib;
- fix: std.fmt and substitutions ($);
- fix: segfault on restart;
- fix: build with old gcc.
Ubuntu packages are builded with LuaJIT now.
Binary builds will be available as soon as they are ready.