Happy Birthday, INSTEAD!
Hello friends! Today is our project anniversary. Exactly 10 years ago [the first version of INSTEAD was released] (https://www.linux.org.ru/news/games/3518942).
This is a serious age for an amateur project. The ten-year history of growing up is a living proof that creativity can be free.
Thanks to your efforts, the new exciting stories are appearing.
For today’s event (which you can celebrate a whole year :), several surprises were prepared:
- [Video dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the project] (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEArD5lW8DyEHoG7DcS4pDw);
- [New version of the Android interpreter from Boris Timofeev] (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.emunix.insteadlauncher);
- [New version of METAPARSER] (https://instead-hub.github.io/page/metaparser/);
- New INSTEAD-games on ZOC-2019 (publication after February 23 [in the repository] (http://instead-games.ru).);
- Also, in the near future INSTEADOSE is planned.
From you, we are always waiting for feedback and creativity. Thanks, friends! Stay in touch!
- [VK group] (https://vk.com/instead.club)
- [Discord] (https://discordapp.com/invite/RHquRHm)
- [Telegram] (http://t.me/insteadtalk)
- [CLUB] (http://club.hugeping.ru)